5 Plants Magic for Diabetes

You people with Diabetes?If your blood sugar problems, no one try 10 of the following to help lower blood sugar, improve insulin sensitivity, lower blood pressure and high cholesterol, and some other benefits.

1. Gymnema Sylvestre
Main functions: Lower blood sugar
General dose: 200 - 250 milligram per day. Gymnema SylvestreNama Hindi this means that the plants' sugar crusher, 'and the plant is said to have the ability to decrease the ability to detect sweet taste. This plant is considered as the most powerful plants to control blood sugar.
Most likely, the way it works is by increasing the enzyme activity that helps the body cells to use glucose or stimulate insulin production. Although there is no research-intensive, but have not found any serious side effects to the use of this plant.

2. Pare
Main functions: Lower blood sugar
General dose: 50 - 100 mililiter (3-6 tbsp) of juice a day.
Pare the bitter considered able to help cells use glucose more effectively muffled and sugar absorption in the intestine. The researchers in the Philippines to examine the consumption pare men and women in the form of a capsule for 3 months to find a decrease in blood sugar, even a little, but constant. The problems that arise are digestive problems, but it's not clear what.

3. Magnesium
Fungsi utama: Menurunkan gula darah Main functions: Lower blood sugar
Dosis umum: 250 - 350 miligram per hari General dose: 250 - 350 milligram per day
Kekurangan magnesium tidak jarang ditemui sebagai salah satu penyebab diabetes, bahkan gejala ini memperburuk kondisi gula darah dan resistansi insulin. Lack of magnesium is not rarely found as one of the causes of diabetes, even aggravate symptoms of this condition the blood sugar and insulin resistansi. Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa suplemen magnesium dapat memperbaiki fungsi insulin dan menurunkan gula darah. Some research indicates that magnesium supplements can improve insulin function and lower blood sugar. Coba konsultasikan dengan dokter Anda sebelum mengkonsumsi insulin. Try to consult with your doctor before consuming insulin.

4. Cactus Prickly pear (cactus fruit meat)
Main functions: Lower blood sugar
Dose general: if consumed as food, 150 grams per day stew cactus.

Mature fruit of this cactus is able to lower blood sugar in the body. Form which can be found is in the form of fruit, or juice, or powder. The researchers found that the fruit is lower blood sugar due to a component that is similar to insulin. Fruit is also a high fiber content.

5. Gamma-Linolenic Acid (Acid Linoleat Gamma)
Main functions: Reduce neuropathy
General dose: 270 - 540 milligrams once a day
Linoleat Gamma acid, or GLA is a fatty acid found in evening primrose oil interest. Some research shows that people with diabetes is that people have a low level of GLA in the blood, and research shows that this supplement can reduce, even prevent the nerve pain in diabetes is due to appear


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